O regime processual do acompanhamento de maior

| Maio de 2020

Resumo: características essenciais e tramitação do processo de acompanhamento de maior.   Palavras-chave: Lei n.º 49/2018, de 14 de agosto; acompanhamento de maior; processo.     Abstract: Essential characteristics and proceedings of the judicial guardianship procedure for adults with disabilities.   Keywords: Law nr. 49/2018, august 14th; adult guardianship; judicial procedure.

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The new Austrian Adult Protection Law of 2018

| Maio de 2020

Abstract: on 1st of July 2018 the new Austrian Adult Protection Law (Erwachsenenschutzrecht) replaced the former Guardianship Law (Sachwalterrecht 1984). The main goal was to strengthen the autonomy of people with mental illness or comparable impairment. Austria ratified the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2008. Subsequently several aspects of the Austrian […]

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Aspects of the discussion regarding the reform of the German legislation of Betreuung in light of the UN-CRPD

| Maio de 2020

Abstract: the abolition of incapacitation and guardianship with the introduction of the Law of Betreuung in 1992 has already brought the right of self-determination of affected adults with impairments into focus. Through the CRPD and the participation of persons with disabilities, quality and implementation deficits in legal representation/Betreuung have been scientifically investigated. This has made […]

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La futura reforma de la legislación civil española en materia de capacidad jurídica

| Maio de 2020

Resumen: el presente trabajo se orienta a analizar las principales novedades que plantea el Anteproyecto de reforma que pretende adaptar la legislación civil española en materia de capacidad jurídica a las exigencias del art. 12 de la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad.   Palabras clave: capacidad jurídica; Convención Internacional sobre […]

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